The incoherent bloggings of a die-hard Star Wars fan.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Currently watching: Superman Returns
hitokirivader: it just occurred to me... hitokirivader: in superman returns, right as lex luthor's kicking superman while he's down hitokirivader: he tells him, "didn't your father ever teach you to lock the door before you leave?!" hitokirivader: what will superman do to solve this problem in the sequel? hitokirivader: that's it hitokirivader: he'll hire guards for the fortress of solitude lowbacca1977: oh no hitokirivader: better yet hitokirivader: why hire guards when you have... hitokirivader: POLAR BEARS lowbacca1977: oh god hitokirivader: this sequel is gonna rock hitokirivader: :D lowbacca1977: i think, for the good of the franchise, i now have to kill you before you have the chance to tell anyone